MYTEAM.PRO is a Web service where professionals offer their services and customers select from a variety of propositions the most appropriate one.

Are you seeking for professionals for work performance? Create a task, explain operative conditions and indicate the amount of compensation. The service has an abundance of possibilities for your comfortable cooperation with a contractor. Among 1500 of themes you will certainly find the people, ready to implement your task or they could even find you by themselves. Select a contractor independently and, while creating your own team of professionals, you can follow the recommendations of your friends acquaintances inside the most social network MYTEAM.PRO. The base of contractors is renewed every day, and all users undergo a checkout by our system.
MYTEAM.PRO helps to work without intermediaries, to each of whom, in real life, you have to pay. Direct cooperation helps to considerably save your time and also gives you maximum control over the transaction.
One of the main advantages of MYTEAM.PRO is the opportunity to be not only a customer, but also a contractor at the same time. Create your profile, select the category of your activity and build up your customer base. Work on your terms, as it is convenient for you. A virtual time-schedule in the profile will help to organize your time and show it to potential customers. The more positive feedback you have, the more often users will recommend you to each other. A safe transaction from MYTEAM.PRO guarantees you receiving money after completing the task.

Functional sections of MYTEAM.PRO:
«My team» — is a section of maintenance of your business contacts
- You can accept invitations for task execution from user service.
- Create your own team, inviting contractors for your tasks execution.
- Correspond with participators of your team, which you formed, as well as with people in which team you are in.
- View contractors and customers, which are recommended by MYTEAM.PRO

«My tasks» is a section of management of assigned and performed tasks.
Create a task:
- Describe the essence of your task
- Specify a place of your task execution, where the potential contractor should be from
- Indicate time, when one should start and end the task.
- Indicate the amount of payment, which you are going to pay the contractor for this task.
- Select a type of transaction — usual/safe
My responses: Here are the tasks to which you responded and want to perform, but the customer has not approved you.
Selection of contractor: In this tab you will see the tasks set by you for which the contractors pretend. Choose those who are appropriate for you, and delete the applications of the rest.
Tasks in work: After your response has been approved, the task will be transferred here, and you will start working on it.
Assigned tasks: Here you will see those users who have been assigned to perform your tasks.
Archive: Saves all the tasks you have been working on, as well as those that have been performed by the users of MYTEAM.PRO for you.
«My time-schedule» — Your business schedule management
Records in your time-schedule can be of several types:
«Individual» is intended for a specific customer from your team (you can send an invitation and I can also register to your team by myself)
«Group» gives you the opportunity to provide a service to more than one client at once:
- «Closed» type is only for members of your team.
- «Open» type is for everyone with the ability to limit the number of recorded.
«My time» – this record is visible only to you.

Each of the records has its own color depending on the status of its performance. Yellow indicates those which are awaiting your decision (to accept, refuse, offer another time, etc.). Record became green when you settled to someone else’s proposal. The gray record will be until the user to whom you addressed it decides whether to accept it or not. Records with refusal to accept you are marked in red.

My blog
Here you can write about everything that interests you. Tell about your personal achievements, share news from your professional sphere, publish information that may be useful for other MYTEAM.PRO users. Post photos and videos.
My services
Create a list of services you can perform and specify the cost of their work. Describe them in detail and attach a photo for clarity of your skills and experience.

My feedback
This section displays feedback from your customers and contractors with whom you have collaborated. The total score obtained by a special formula is displayed in the form of filled stars and digital value (I as a contractor), as well as a color smile (I as a customer).

Here you can configure your profile.
- Indicate your contact information.
- Determine the working time for the time-schedule.
- Specify, what notifications you would like to get.
- Confirm or change mobile phone.
What is a «Secure transaction»?
A safe transaction is beneficial to both the customer and the contractor. Until the task is completed, the funds are frozen. They enter the contractor only after confirming that the task has been completed. In the event of a conflict, both parties may apply to arbitration.
If you choose a «regular transaction», the payment is made by agreement between the customer and the contractor independently. In this case, the service MYTEAM.PRO is not responsible for the transaction process and dispute resolution.

How to invite a friend
Click the «invite a friend» tab and select the notification option: by e-mail or by mobile phone number. For each new user added in this way, you will receive bonuses to your account.

What are «Light», «PRO» and «Business»? What are they needed for?
«Light», «PRO» and «Business» are the names of MYTEAM.PRO service tariff plans.
The «Light» tariff is received by each user of the site, after passing the registration.
Cost: 0 rubles.
Commission on «Safe Transaction» in favor of the service: 15%
- 5 simultaneous active responses to tasks.
- 3 subject categories where you can place yourself as a contractor.
The «PRO» tariff
Commission on «Safe Transaction» in favor of the service: 10%
Cost: 490 rubles per month
- 15 simultaneous active responses to tasks.
- 6 subject categories where you can place yourself as a contractor.
- Availability of QR code.
- Discount for raising to the top of tasks: 10%.
- Highlighting an avatar in blue, as well as a special character to draw attention to the profile.
The «Business» tariff
Commission on «Safe Transaction» in favor of the service: 5%
Cost: 1900 rubles per month
- 30 simultaneous active responses to tasks.
- 12 subject categories.
- Availability of keeping blog.
- The ability to create an open group record in the schedule — to record the appropriate number of clients at the right time, coming to your page on your own. (for example: you conduct yoga classes and enlist everyone to the group).
- Availability of QR code.
- Discount for raising to the top of tasks: 20%.
- Highlighting an avatar in gold color, as well as the special character to draw attention to the profile.
Service terminology
Response is the ability to respond to a specific task by offering your services. If the customer refuses you by choosing another contractor or deleted his task, then the «response» is returned to you.
Subject categories are sections of the list where professions and specialties are represented. Each tariff gives a certain number of sections where you can post your profile. The names of these sections are visible on your page as tags, in the created tasks and time-schedule records Thus, you can relate each of the record to a specific subject.
The QR code contains the encrypted information about the company (website name, contact phone number, location of the company, text information, etc.). Using a mobile application to scan the code, the client can instantly find the company’s page on MYTEAM.PRO.
My finance: In this section you will see an amount of earned money, and you will be also able to replenish accounts in order to square accounts with contractors of your tasks.